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Are those mobile layouts working?
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TOPIC: Are those mobile layouts working?

Are those mobile layouts working? 13 years, 2 months ago #1607

  • beckan
Hello all,

I might be funny for some people, but I really must ask this: are those layouts for mobile access working? I selected the proper layouts for android, handheld etc. in the template admin, so I was expected to see a different layout of the site when accessed from an Android phone. Unfortunately, this is not happening at all, nor from an iPhone.

Is there something which I missed (like a special setup) or what? Did anybody en-counted the same issue?

Thank you in advance for an answer.

Re: Are those mobile layouts working? 13 years ago #2060

So, nobody ended up in the same issue? I really need an answer so I can take a decision about how to go further with this situation....

Thank you in advance!

Re: Are those mobile layouts working? 13 years ago #2062

Works for my site on an Android, don't know about an iPhone or iPad - maybe you can try mine and let me know if it works on your iPhone? -

Re: Are those mobile layouts working? 13 years ago #2066

Well, Paul, I think that we are talking about different templates. My site has been built on YT_News which is different than yours.

Nevertheless, looks good on both layouts, Desktop and Mobile. Good job!
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