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Forum Rules

When posting in the forum please consider the following:

  • If you have a question regarding a specific SmartAddons product please make sure you are posting in the correct forum board. Each SmartAddons product has a forum board dedicated to that specific product. Each board is identified by the name of the product. Posting in the correct board allows for faster response time and better organization of our forum. All non-related posts will be moved to the appropriate forum board. - Thank you!
  • Take time to review each forum section and make sure to post in the correct board.
  • Post the url of your site if it is necessary.
  • Ask thorough questions with as much detail as you can.
  • Review other posts for your answer before posting.
  • Help someone else if you can answer their post.
  • Be courteous; use clean language and make sure to to thank those who help you.

Please Note - The comment system is not for product support. If you are in need of support please post your questions in our support forum boards and someone will be happy to assist you from there. Thank you!

When posting in the forum please consider the following:

  • If you have a question regarding a specific SmartAddons product please make sure you are posting in the correct forum board. Each SmartAddons product has a forum board dedicated to that specific product. Each board is identified by the name of the product. Posting in the correct board allows for faster response time and better organization of our forum. All non-related posts will be moved to the appropriate forum board. - Thank you!
  • Take time to review each forum section and make sure to post in the correct board.
  • Post the url of your site if it is necessary.
  • Ask thorough questions with as much detail as you can.
  • Review other posts for your answer before posting.
  • Help someone else if you can answer their post.
  • Be courteous; use clean language and make sure to to thank those who help you.

Please Note - The comment system is not for product support. If you are in need of support please post your questions in our support forum boards and someone will be happy to assist you from there. Thank you!

Last modified on 16

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