This guide is intended for
SJ Mega Menu Responsive module.
When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed
hereTo see userguide for previous version:
Click Here
Joomla! v2.5.x and Joomla! 3.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.
2.1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name; there will be a plugin and a module zip file that you need them all in next step)
2.2. Firstly, install supportive plugin(extracted plg_ file):
- In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
In this page, click Choose File, select plugin package.
- Then click Upload & Install

- Please wait for plugin being installed, usually within several seconds
- Now go to Extensions -> Plugin Manager, click Select Type box and choose "system"
- Then Enable the plugin named "Extra Menu Params"
2.3. Secondly, install main module (extracted mod_ file):
- In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
- Then click Upload & Install

- Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
- Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click Select Type box and choose the module you have installed
- Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds.
Notes: We used the images of module's installtion on Joomla 3.x to illustrate
After installing, go to
Extension -> Module Manager and find
SJ Mega Menu Responsive to configure
SJ Mega Menu Responsive module are configured in 3 groups of parameters following:
- Details Options
- Menu Options
- Advanced Options
Let's look at the parameters in detail:
- Title * - Shows title of module
- Show Title - Shows/Hides module title
- Position - Shows position of module
- Status - If published, this module will display on your site frontend or backend depending on the module.
- Access - Allow someone to access:
- Public
- Guest
- Registered
- Special
- Customer Access Level
- Ordering - Select the ordering
- Start Publishing - Shows an optional date to start publishing the module
- Finish Publishing - Shows an optional date to finish publishing the module
- Language - Assign a language to this module
- Note - Shows an optional note to display in module list
- Select Menu - Allow you to select and use a menu created in Menu Manager
- Base Item - Allow you to select an active item for menu chosen above
- Start level - Set a menu level from which will be rendered by Mega Menu, start from 1 as highest level
- End level - Set a menu level until which will be rendered by Mega Menu, please use All for all sub-menu items
- Show Sub-menu Items - Show sub-menu items OR not, if NO then two options above will be ingored
- Event
- Click: Collapse/Expand menu by click, used with all devicesal
- Hover: Collapse/Expand menu by hover, for PC only
- Use Css Style (no Js) - Allow you to use Css style: Yes/No
- Menu Tag ID - Set ID of the module, used for CSS
- Menu Class Suffix - Allow you to choose another CSS class that suits your template
- Alternative Layout - Allow you to choose custom alternative layout
- Caching
- Use Global:Turn on caching
- No Caching: Turn off caching
- Cache Time - The time to cache
- Module Tag - Set wrapper tag for module
- Bootstrap Size - Set width based on bootstrap for wrapper of module
- Header Tag - Set tag for module title
- Header Class - Set class for module title
- Module style - Override module style
4. Menu Configuration
- Please click HERE to see "TREE OF SUSTITLES MENU"
- Please click HERE to see "MENU PARAM"
* Note: You should see "Tree of Subtitles Menu" and "Menu Param" above and configure the same with our instruction below. We sure that you will have a complete website that is exactly same as our Demo. Good Luck! :)
1. Category 1: backend ("Category 2" configure the same)
- Demo 1: backend (from "Demo 2" to "Demo 8" configure the same)
- Hidden2: backend ("Hidden4; 6; 3; 5; 7; 8" configure the same)
3. Mega Menu article: backend ("Menu arcitcle" configure the same)
Thank you so much for purchasing this module. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please send us via: Support Tickets System.
Thanks so much!
This guide is intended for
SJ Mega Menu Responsive module.
When you buy the module the first time, you will have the latest version. After the first release, we will update this module regularly, then please check newer versions when informed
hereTo see userguide for previous version:
Click Here
Joomla! v2.5.x and Joomla! 3.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.
2.1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name; there will be a plugin and a module zip file that you need them all in next step)
2.2. Firstly, install supportive plugin(extracted plg_ file):
- In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
In this page, click Choose File, select plugin package.
- Then click Upload & Install

- Please wait for plugin being installed, usually within several seconds
- Now go to Extensions -> Plugin Manager, click Select Type box and choose "system"
- Then Enable the plugin named "Extra Menu Params"
2.3. Secondly, install main module (extracted mod_ file):
- In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
In this page, click Choose File, select module package.
- Then click Upload & Install

- Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
- Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click Select Type box and choose the module you have installed
- Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds.
Notes: We used the images of module's installtion on Joomla 3.x to illustrate
After installing, go to
Extension -> Module Manager and find
SJ Mega Menu Responsive to configure
SJ Mega Menu Responsive module are configured in 3 groups of parameters following:
- Details Options
- Menu Options
- Advanced Options
Let's look at the parameters in detail:
- Title * - Shows title of module
- Show Title - Shows/Hides module title
- Position - Shows position of module
- Status - If published, this module will display on your site frontend or backend depending on the module.
- Access - Allow someone to access:
- Public
- Guest
- Registered
- Special
- Customer Access Level
- Ordering - Select the ordering
- Start Publishing - Shows an optional date to start publishing the module
- Finish Publishing - Shows an optional date to finish publishing the module
- Language - Assign a language to this module
- Note - Shows an optional note to display in module list
- Select Menu - Allow you to select and use a menu created in Menu Manager
- Base Item - Allow you to select an active item for menu chosen above
- Start level - Set a menu level from which will be rendered by Mega Menu, start from 1 as highest level
- End level - Set a menu level until which will be rendered by Mega Menu, please use All for all sub-menu items
- Show Sub-menu Items - Show sub-menu items OR not, if NO then two options above will be ingored
- Event
- Click: Collapse/Expand menu by click, used with all devicesal
- Hover: Collapse/Expand menu by hover, for PC only
- Use Css Style (no Js) - Allow you to use Css style: Yes/No
- Menu Tag ID - Set ID of the module, used for CSS
- Menu Class Suffix - Allow you to choose another CSS class that suits your template
- Alternative Layout - Allow you to choose custom alternative layout
- Caching
- Use Global:Turn on caching
- No Caching: Turn off caching
- Cache Time - The time to cache
- Module Tag - Set wrapper tag for module
- Bootstrap Size - Set width based on bootstrap for wrapper of module
- Header Tag - Set tag for module title
- Header Class - Set class for module title
- Module style - Override module style
4. Menu Configuration
- Please click HERE to see "TREE OF SUSTITLES MENU"
- Please click HERE to see "MENU PARAM"
* Note: You should see "Tree of Subtitles Menu" and "Menu Param" above and configure the same with our instruction below. We sure that you will have a complete website that is exactly same as our Demo. Good Luck! :)
1. Category 1: backend ("Category 2" configure the same)
- Demo 1: backend (from "Demo 2" to "Demo 8" configure the same)
- Hidden2: backend ("Hidden4; 6; 3; 5; 7; 8" configure the same)
3. Mega Menu article: backend ("Menu arcitcle" configure the same)
Thank you so much for purchasing this module. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please send us via: Support Tickets System.
Thanks so much!