So ShoppyStore comes with 5 color variations that allows you to easily change the color of all elements, you will be given the possibility to make an unique e-commerce website that stands out of the crowd. Moreover, the theme supports 5 different homepage layouts and many cuting-edge features: daily deals, quick view, mega menu, wishlist, product comparison, RTL language, boxed layout...
Compatible With OpenCart 2.3.0.x, 3.0.0.x, 3.0.1.x, 3.0.2.x, 3.0.3.x,, & Latest
- 2021's Best Marketplace Multi Vendor OpenCart Themes
- 2021's Top OpenCart 3 Themes
- Best Gaming OpenCart Themes in 2021
Let’s explore this eye-catching template and get the real experience now!
Google SEO Rich Snippets Support

Google AMP Support on top on mobile

Lazy Loading Images – Speed your site up

GDPR Compatibility for OpenCart 3 version
Multivendor Marketplace Compatibility
ShoppyStore is compatible with the plugin multi vendor from the author Purpletreesoft
3+ Mobile Layouts Ready

Full Feature List
- Compatible with OpenCart 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 & 3.0.x
- Purpletree Multivendor Plugin is only working for OpenCart 3 version, so if you want to use marketplace, you have to use the version ShoppyStore for OC3
- QuickView Pro
- Countdown Popup
- Quick Tool Module
- OnePage Checkout
- Hot Deals Module Ready
- Livechat Messenger Module support
- Latest Blog Support
- One-Click import Data
- Filter Shoby Pro
- Search pro
- Mega Menu support
- Social Networks integration
- Compatible with IE9+, Firefox 4+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
- Responsive layout for all devices
- Allow to set site title, tagline, logo and Analytics ID
- Support menu with Mega Menu
- Boxed and Wide layouts
- Cloud zoom option for product Images
- Multiple Language support
- Back to top button
- 5 Preset Color Styles: Red (default), Blue, Green, Orange and Pink
- Fully integrated with Font Awesome Icon
- Support to add custom CSS/JS
- Social Networks integration
- CSS3 table-less design
- LESS for advanced development
- Custom page: about us, contact us…
Change Log
------------ UPDATE - Version 2.2.2 for OC Dec 23, 2020 ------------- [Bugfix] So Social Login. [Bugfix] So Onepage Checkout. [Bugfix] Bug clear cache: system\storage\cache\so not empty. [Bugfix] So Home Slider on mobile. [Bugfix] So Listing Tab - Unloadable when click other tab
------------ UPDATE - Version 2.2.1 for OC on August 28, 2020------------------ [Update] Compatible with OC
------------ UPDATE - Version 2.2.0 for OC 3: on July-07-2018------------------ [Update] Optimize banner image size [Fixed-bug]-[Mobile] Product detail Add to cart doesn't show when the options ( size, colors) was selected
------------ UPDATE - Version 2.2.0 for OC 3: on May-25-2018------------------ [Update] Lazy Loading Images [Update] Search pro for mobile [Update] Google seo rich snippets support [Update] Google Amp Support
------------ UPDATE VERSIONS - Update on Mar-23-2018------------------ [Update] Module Filter Shopby for OC3 package
------------ UPDATE VERSIONS - Update on Mar-21-2018------------------ [Fixbug] [Error] - Double file CSS and JS of header
------------ UPDATE VERSIONS - Update on January-10-2018------------------ 1) OC3 version: so_shoppystore_oc3000_v2.1.0 [Update] So OnePage Checkout v1.1.2 2) OC23 version: so_shoppystore_oc2300_v1.5.9 [Update] SO Social Login v1.0.3 [Update] SO Onepagecheckout v1.0.4
------------ VERSION - 2.1.0 for OpenCart 3 - Update on January-25-2018 ------------ [Fixbug] So Basic Product - Check empty category product
------------ VERSION - 2.0.0 for OpenCart 3 - Update on December-25-2017 ------------ [Update] OpenCart 3 Support [Update] Marketplace Compatibiity
------------ VERSION - 1.5.8- Update on September-06-2017 ------------ Fix bug: error in SO listing tabs module when click on tab
------------ VERSION - 1.5.8- Update on August-15-2017 ------------ Fixed: 1. Module SO Megamenu: edit Product special 2. Error When creating a new store 3. Shorten the boxes on the left sidebar or right sidebar like accordion style 4.[Module Newletter] 5. Show quickview for the big image then displaying carousel slider 6. Update social login v1.0.1 7. Update So_onepagecheckout_opencart.2.3.x-res_v1.0.3 8. Update SO Filter v2.1.2 9. Error mod Category slider, deal, extraslider: on mobile, it can not be checked " typelayout = empty ? " 10. Error http fixed 11. Edit link "mproduct" into "product" in admin/menu 12. PHP Notice: Undefined index: type_layout in so basic new, extraslider, listing tab, so html :
------------ VERSION - 1.5.7- Update on July-31-2017 ------------ 1. Fix bug: There is no Database primary key
------------ VERSION - 1.5.7-Update OpenCart 2.3 version: Release on July-10-2017 ------------ 1 [THEME] Themeconfig is not good in Arabic 2.Update so filter 3. Special time in product page 4. Improve mobile layout 5. Add modue so Tools
------------ VERSION - 1.5.6-Update OpenCart 2.3 version: Release on June-05-2017 ------------ [+] Update 3 mobile Layouts
------------ VERSION - 1.5.5-Update OpenCart 2.3 version: Release on May-31-2017 ------------ [+] Fixed bug list: 1. Error: display the So Onepage checkout 2. Error when changing version store 3. Error SQL to display module So Shopby Filter 4. Error User Group > Access Permission 5. Error displaying popup newsletter
------------ VERSION - 1.5.5-Update OpenCart 2.3 version: Release on April-19-2017 ------------ Fixed bug list: + Simple Blog - Error when create the category =>> blank site + Error Popup So Social Login: there is no Forgot Password link + On mobile: the main image can't scroll down on product page + [So Themes Config] Error: when select the default language ( not English), the config theme param doesn't show. + [Bugs Theme] Error Simple blog when click the link author + [Bugs Theme] Error get address url layoutbox=boxed + Error Menu Sticky + so shoppystore has error when installing quickstart package on PHP7 + Countdown time error
------------ VERSION - 1.5.4-Update OpenCart 2.3 version: Release on Mar-22-2017 ------------ [+] Compatible with One Page Checkout
------------ VERSION - 1.5.3-Update OpenCart 2.3 version: Release on Mar-03-2017 ------------ [+] Fixed : Check fix code HTTP / Module so_listing_tab
------------ VERSION - 1.5.3-Update OpenCart 2.3 version: Release on Feb-22-2017 ------------ [+] Fixed: PHP Warning on PHP 7.0 version
------------ VERSION - 1.5.3-Update OpenCart 2.3 version: Release on Feb-18-2017 ------------ [+] Added So Social Login module allowing to login via social networks [+] Defined $countdown_title in soconfig\countdown.php [+] Fixed: Tooltip text remain when click add to cart/wishlist/compare [+] Fixed: Setting So Themeconfig -> Product Zoom = off [+] Fixed: Setting So Themeconfig -> Custom css and js = enable [+] Fixed: Check fix code HTTP / Module so_listing_tab [+] Fixed: Price drag/drop error in SO Filter shop by module [+] Updated: Show Google map in contact
------------ VERSION - 1.5.2-Update OpenCart 2.3 version: Release on Dec-30-2016 ------------ [+] Fixed bug: Error Quickview when enabling SEO
------------ VERSION - 1.5.1-Update OpenCart 2.3 version: Release on Dec-10-2016 ------------ [+] Fixed bug: SO Pagebuilder shortcode Html insert image in folder is not working [+] Fixed bug: Higlight didn't show when menu is active
------------ VERSION - 1.5.0-Update OpenCart 2.3 version: Release on Dec-6-2016 ------------ [+] Fixed bug: Unable to remove product and category [+] Fixed bug: Didn't set-up default value for label (New, Sale)
------------ VERSION - 1.4.0-Update OpenCart 2.3 version: Release on Dec-5-2016 ------------ [+] Fixed bug: PHP Notice: Undefined index: category, module\so_megamenu.php on line 119
------------ VERSION - 1.4.0-Update OpenCart 2.3 version: Release on Nov-28-2016 ------------ [+] Fixed bug: Display scroll on the homepage with 1366x768px [+] Fixed bug: Put the different subfix with the default "oc_" [+] Fixed bug: Setting boxed layout but it doesn't display [+] Re-checked the condition when Simple blog doesn't exist
------------ VERSION - 1.4.0: Release on Nov-21-2016 ------------ [+] Upgrade to OpenCart 2.3.2 [+] Update SO Page Builder module [+] Upgrade SO Themes Configuration module [+] Upgrade Simple blog to be compatible with OpenCart 2.3 [+] Upgrade other modules used in this theme to be compatible with OpenCart 2.3
------------ VERSION - 1.3.0: Release on Nov-8-2016 ------------ [+] Fixed bug: Warning error of module and theme when installing new language [+] Fixed bug: so_filter_shop_by meets getOptions error
------------ VERSION - 1.2.0-Update OpenCart 2.2 version: Release on Oct-31-2016 ------------ [+] Updated sass and css of homepage 5
------------ VERSION - 1.0.4: Release on Oct-2016 ------------ [+] Fixed Error: Show images Subcategories [+] Fixed bug on placeholder package: So Search Pro error on layout 1
------------ VERSION - 1.2.0: Release on Sep-30-2016 ------------ [+] Added 2 homepage layouts
------------ VERSION - 1.1.0-Updated: Release on Sep-8-2016 ------------ [+] Chage soconfig_general[scsscompile] Setting values = 0
------------ VERSION - 1.1.0-Updated: Release on Aug-17-2016 ------------ [+] Fixed bug: Permission denied when accessing to Extensions >> VQmod manager and Simple blog.
------------ VERSION - 1.1.0: Release on Aug-7-2016 ------------ [+] Upgraded this business theme to be compatible with Opencart 2.2 [+] Replaced HTML module by HMTL content [+] Added configuration options: sale label, new label, multiple images when hovering image [+] Replaced default Newsletter module by Newsletter Popup module [+] Replaced Manufacturers module by SO HTML content module
------------ VERSION - 1.0.3 - Updated: Release on Jul-22-2016 ------------ [+] Fixed bug: Layout 2 display search module of layout 1 [+] Fixed bug: Break layout when changing layout and installing
------------ VERSION - 1.0.3 - Updated: Release on Jul-7-2016 ------------ [+] Removed vqmod's simple blog in the template package
------------ VERSION - 1.0.3: Release on May-24-2016 ------------ [+] Fix bug: Cannot login to the Affiliate account
------------ VERSION - 1.0.2: Release on Mar-12-2016 ------------ # Fixed bug: When installing a new language -> blank page
------------ VERSION - 1.0.1: Release on Feb-18-2016 ------------ # Fixed bug: Occurred in the listing page when product title is too long
------------ VERSION-UPDATED 2 - 1.0.0: Release on Jan-26-2016 ------------ # Fixed bug: Cannot display product name in Recommended Product # Fixed bug: "sale" label displays inaccurate # Fixed bug: display code error in Search
------------ VERSION-UPDATED 1 - 1.0.0: Release on Jan-19-2016 ------------ # Fixed bug occurred in listing page when product title is too long
------------ VERSION - 1.0.0: Release on Dec-31-2015 ------------ [+] Initial Release