Now, TopDeal technology OpenCart theme definitely bring back to you many awesome experience by providing a lots of functional extensions such as: Mega Menu with multi-columns, attractive homepage slider with many smooth effects, multi-languages support, multi-color for website skins, image popup view and much more, super faster speed to enhance the customers’ experiences.
Compatible With OpenCart 2.3.0.x, 3.0.0.x, 3.0.1.x, 3.0.2.x, 3.0.3.x,, & Latest
- 2021's Best Marketplace Multi Vendor OpenCart Themes
- 2021's Top OpenCart 3 Themes
- Best Gaming OpenCart Themes in 2021
GDPR Compatibility for OpenCart 3 version
TopDeal – MarketPlace | Multi Vendor Theme ( version 8.11) is Ready for OC 2.3.x
This theme is compatible with the plugin Multi vendor at
You totally can build a marketplace by this theme, and of course, there are many vendors can use it as a place for trading.
TopDeal – Multivendor Marketplace Compatibility For OC 3 Ready
TopDeal for OpenCart 3 is now compatible with the plugin multi vendor from the author Purpletreesoft

Core Features
- Compatible with OpenCart 3 (Latest & 2.3.x
- Responsive layout for all devices
- QuickView Pro
- Countdown Popup
- Quick Tool Module
- OnePage Checkout
- Hot Deals Module Ready
- Livechat Messenger Module support
- Latest Blog Support
- One-Click import Data
- Filter Shoby Pro
- Search pro
- Mega Menu support
- Social Networks integration
- Boxed and RTL layouts
- Multiple Language support
- Unlimitedi color Options for website skin
- Fully integrated with Font Awesome Icon
- Social Networks integration
- CSS3 table-less design
- Setup rows and columns
- Experience the Live Demo Via QR code
- Display static blocks contain texts below menu items
- Full control over site width; content area and sidebars
- Back to top button
- SEO friendly
- Optimized codebase
- Compatible with IE10+, Firefox 4+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
Note: All images are just used for preview purpose only and NOT included in the final purchase files.
Change Log
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.0.8: December 13, 2021 ------------- [+] Update: Compatible with OpenCart
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.0.7 for OC Dec 23, 2020 ------------- [Bugfix] So Social Login. [Bugfix] So Onepage Checkout. [Bugfix] Bug clear cache: system\storage\cache\so not empty. [Bugfix] So Home Slider on mobile. [Bugfix] So Listing Tab - Unloadable when click other tab
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.0.6 for OC August 27, 2020 ------------- [+] Update: Compatible with OpenCart
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.0.5 for OC3: Mar-28-2019 -------------[+] Update: Install theme data loss old Modification list
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.0.4 for OC3: Feb-22-2019 -------------[update] Theme Config - section select layout add button Apply Default Setting
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.0.3: Jan-28-2019 -------------[Bugfix] Error warning on php 7 of Opencart 3
VERSION 1.0.3 for OC 3: Update on Oct-8-2018 ------------[Bugfixs] Module So listing tabs Error on Mobile Layout
VERSION 1.0.3 for OC 3: Update on July-24-2018 ------------[Update] Lacking of the folder Simple blog in the folder catalog\controller\extension\simple_blog
VERSION 1.0.3 for OC 3: Update on May-02-2018 ------------+ Marketplace Compatibility in OpenCart 3+ Fixed-bug: display_dots in producttab
VERSION 1.0.3 for OC 3: Update on Apr-27-2018 ------------[Fixbugs] Layout mobile: addtocart select option radio, page view cart doesn't show option
VERSION 1.0.6 for OC 23: Update on Apr-13-2018 ------------[Update] So filter shopby v2.1.4 (Fix sort by in category category not effect)
VERSION 1.0.3 for OC 3: Update on Feb-27-2018 ------------[Fixbugs] so page builder : Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered
VERSION 1.0.6 for OC 2.3.x: Update on February-22-2018 ------------[Update] Compatible with MultiMerch Plugin v8.11
VERSION 1.0.6 for OC 2.3.x: Update on February-10-2018 ------------[Fixbugs] Fix error display on page catalog seller profile
VERSION 1.0.6 for OC 2.3.x: Update on Oct-30-2017 ------------[Fixbugs] Module SO Listingtab : Error translate language
VERSION 1.0.3 for OC 3: Update on Oct-27-2017 ------------[Fixbug] Page My account - language display wrong[Fixbug] page Cagegory - not showing module[Fixbug] So onepagecheckout - text language not translates [Fixbug] Layout Mobile - not working Compile CSS[Fixbug] So Filter Shop By - Quickview not working
VERSION 1.0.2 for OC 3: Update on Oct-20-2017 ------------- Update version 1.0.2 for OpenCart 3:+ Added 3 extra Homepage Layouts
VERSION 1.0.1 for OC 3: Update on Oct-11-2017 ------------- Update version 1.0.1 for OpenCart 3:+ Fix bugs of the previous version
VERSION 1.0.0 for OC 3: Update on Sep-20-2017 ------------[+] Update version for OC 3.0.x
VERSION - 1.0.6: Update on Sep-11-2017 ------------[+] Fixed bug: Filter shopby module on version for OC 2.3.x
VERSION - 1.0.6: Update on August-30-2017 ------------[+] Fixed Bug: Fix display https that causes error module so filter_shop_by
VERSION - 1.0.6: Update on August-21-2017 ------------- Fix error showing the review of Marketplace.
VERSION - 1.0.6: Update on August-15-2017 ------------- Update the compatibility with the MultiMerch: v8.9.0.3
VERSION - 1.0.6: Update on August-08-2017 ------------- Update Module SO Social_login v1.0.1- Update Module so_filtershopby v2.1.2- Update Module SO_Onepagecheckout v1.0.3- Fix error type_layout in admin (so basic product, so extra slider, so listing tabs, so html)- fix error in the shopping cart page on mobile: click Get Quote, the popup doesn't show.- Edit the link "mproduct" into "product"- Remove tab Show Header in admin area of So Search Pro- fix error fixed http://
------------ VERSION - 1.0.5: Update on August-02-2017 ------------[+] Update folder data/cache/minify
------------ VERSION - 1.0.5: Update on June-19-2017 ------------[-] update version 1.0.5:+ Multi-Vendor Plugin now is compatible with 3 homepages
------------ VERSION - 1.0.5: Update on June-15-2017 ------------[+] Fixed: 1. SO Page Builder: Permission Error3. Product detail : Button Review is hidden2. Special time in product product page5. Click install Module -> So Themeconfig Remove all module of default opencart4. Notice: Layout mobile Undefined index: footermenus6. Layout Mobile: install the third-party module ->> not display
------------ VERSION - 1.0.4: Update on June-05-2017 ------------[+] Update Marketplace plugin
------------ VERSION - 1.0.4: Update on May-25-2017 ------------[+] Updated 3+ Mobile Layouts [+] Fixed bug: So Shopby Filter[+] So Page Builder Module: permission error when editing
------------ VERSION - 1.0.2: Update on May-23-2017 ------------[+] Updated Rich Spinnet - Fix SEO For product detail page
------------ VERSION - 1.0.2: Update on May-16-2017 ------------[+] Fixed error show add cart in popup Quickview[+] Fixed error show Newletter popup
------------ VERSION - 1.0.2: Update on May-15-2017 ------------[+] Fixed bug Layout 3 (Mod Listing Tab)[+] Optimize Speed[+] Fixed Bug RTL Layout 2.[+] Fixed Bug responsive Layout 3
------------ VERSION - 1.0.0: Update on May-10-2017 ------------[+] Added 2 extra homepage Layouts
------------ VERSION - 1.0.0: Release on April-26-2017 ------------[+] Initial Release