First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.
- Joomla! v1.7.x latest stable version is highly recommended.
1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.7.x after:
- In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
In this page, click on Choose File button, choose our module and then click Upload & Install

- Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click on Select Type box and choose SJ Content Categories II (for Content Component), SJ K2 Categories II (for K2 Component), SJ VM Categories II (for VirtueMart Component)
- And you can change params for your idea after.
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of
SJ Content Categories II for example:

- Image of Category: This is the first image in the description of Article.
Let's examine all the detail settings of SJ Content Categories II on Joomla! v1.7.x
The parameters are divided into the following areas:
- Basic Options
- Advanced Options

- Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
- Module Width - Allow you change width for the module
- Themes - We support 4 themes for showing the module
- Select Category - You can choose categories which you want to show.
- Number columns - The numbers of column which can be showed in per page. This param applies for theme 1 and theme 4.
- Max Items level 2 - The limited numbers of items at level 2 which can be showed
- Max Columns in tooltip - The numbers of columns which can be showed in tooltip. This param applies for theme 1, theme 2 and theme 4.
- Title max chars - The limited numbers of characters of categories' title which can be showed in the module.
- More/Hide button text - Allow to change text for button More/Hide.
- Image Linkable - Allow to enable/disable link of image
- Category Link Target - The opening window for links:
- Same window: Open the link in the same window
- New window: Open the link in the new window
- Popup window: Open the link in new window without navigation
- Layout - This param is applied in SJ Content Categories II Module. Support 2 layouts for showing subcategories:
- Blog Layout
- Defaul Layout - Table layout
- Thumbnail Width/Height - You can change width/height for large image
- Thumbnail background color - You can change color for background of thumbnail
- Thumbnail Mode - We support 4 modes for thumbnail:
- Intro Text - The content to show at the top of module
- Footer Text - The content to show at the end of module
- Caching
- Use Global: Turn on caching
- No Caching: Turn off caching
- Cache Times - The time to cache
First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you buy the module, you already have the last version.
The following documentation applies to the module version 1.0 and later.
- Joomla! v1.7.x latest stable version is highly recommended.
1. Please to refer the installation in administrator of module on Joomla! v1.7.x after:
- In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
In this page, click on Choose File button, choose our module and then click Upload & Install

- Go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click on Select Type box and choose SJ Content Categories II (for Content Component), SJ K2 Categories II (for K2 Component), SJ VM Categories II (for VirtueMart Component)
- And you can change params for your idea after.
2. And now, please to preview module with layout of
SJ Content Categories II for example:

- Image of Category: This is the first image in the description of Article.
Let's examine all the detail settings of SJ Content Categories II on Joomla! v1.7.x
The parameters are divided into the following areas:
- Basic Options
- Advanced Options

- Module Class Suffix - Please refer here
- Module Width - Allow you change width for the module
- Themes - We support 4 themes for showing the module
- Select Category - You can choose categories which you want to show.
- Number columns - The numbers of column which can be showed in per page. This param applies for theme 1 and theme 4.
- Max Items level 2 - The limited numbers of items at level 2 which can be showed
- Max Columns in tooltip - The numbers of columns which can be showed in tooltip. This param applies for theme 1, theme 2 and theme 4.
- Title max chars - The limited numbers of characters of categories' title which can be showed in the module.
- More/Hide button text - Allow to change text for button More/Hide.
- Image Linkable - Allow to enable/disable link of image
- Category Link Target - The opening window for links:
- Same window: Open the link in the same window
- New window: Open the link in the new window
- Popup window: Open the link in new window without navigation
- Layout - This param is applied in SJ Content Categories II Module. Support 2 layouts for showing subcategories:
- Blog Layout
- Defaul Layout - Table layout
- Thumbnail Width/Height - You can change width/height for large image
- Thumbnail background color - You can change color for background of thumbnail
- Thumbnail Mode - We support 4 modes for thumbnail:
- Intro Text - The content to show at the top of module
- Footer Text - The content to show at the end of module
- Caching
- Use Global: Turn on caching
- No Caching: Turn off caching
- Cache Times - The time to cache
Last modified on 12