First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. If you just bought the plugin, you already have the latest version.
The following documentation applies to the plugin version 1.0 and later.
You can see the
Demo Here
- Joomla! v1.7.x latest stable version is highly recommended.
- In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
In this page, click on Choose File button, choose our plugin and then click Upload & Install (Illustrative image for Chrome)

- Go to Extensions -> Plug-in Manager, click on Select Type box and choose Content, then choose SJ Image Boxes
- And you can refer Syntax for setting parameters at the end of Plugin's description.
For showing the plugin, we use an article and set up parameters in these. For example, we introduce to show a folder with 12 images (4 columns and 3 rows).
{imageboxes}rotate="1" folder="images/thumbs" panel_width="770" sort_type="1" panel_height="580" col="4" row="3" image_width="720" image_height="480" show_type="0" show_title="0" {/imageboxes}
The following parameters are default parameters. Basing on them and numbers of images in the
thumbs folder, the plugin will calculate value for panel_width, panel_height, row. The plugin still will allow to show your images although you haven't established any params (excluding
folder param). Texts in quotation marks "" are values which parameters can be got:
- folder="images/thumbs" - The imperative param. This is the path of folder which contains images.
- rotate=""
- "1": Apply rotate effect for images
- "0": Not apply rotate effect for images
- col="" - The column numbers for showing images
- row="" - The row numbers for showing images
- image_width="" - The width of image when is showed
- image_height="" - The height of image when is showed
- panel_width="" - The width of panel which contains all images
- panel_height="" - The height of panel which contains all images
- sort_type="" - The type of sorting images
- "2": Sort random for showing images
- "1": Sort title for showing images
- "0": Sort created date for showing images
- show_type="" - The type of showing images when click on them in the panel
- "1" - Popup type. For example of popup type with rotate, please to Click Here
- "0" - Slide type. For example of slide type with no rotate, please to Click Here
- show_title="" - For show/not show title of images
- "1" - Allow for showing title
- "0" - Don't allow for showing title
First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. If you just bought the plugin, you already have the latest version.
The following documentation applies to the plugin version 1.0 and later.
You can see the
Demo Here
- Joomla! v1.7.x latest stable version is highly recommended.
- In Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
In this page, click on Choose File button, choose our plugin and then click Upload & Install (Illustrative image for Chrome)

- Go to Extensions -> Plug-in Manager, click on Select Type box and choose Content, then choose SJ Image Boxes
- And you can refer Syntax for setting parameters at the end of Plugin's description.
For showing the plugin, we use an article and set up parameters in these. For example, we introduce to show a folder with 12 images (4 columns and 3 rows).
{imageboxes}rotate="1" folder="images/thumbs" panel_width="770" sort_type="1" panel_height="580" col="4" row="3" image_width="720" image_height="480" show_type="0" show_title="0" {/imageboxes}
The following parameters are default parameters. Basing on them and numbers of images in the
thumbs folder, the plugin will calculate value for panel_width, panel_height, row. The plugin still will allow to show your images although you haven't established any params (excluding
folder param). Texts in quotation marks "" are values which parameters can be got:
- folder="images/thumbs" - The imperative param. This is the path of folder which contains images.
- rotate=""
- "1": Apply rotate effect for images
- "0": Not apply rotate effect for images
- col="" - The column numbers for showing images
- row="" - The row numbers for showing images
- image_width="" - The width of image when is showed
- image_height="" - The height of image when is showed
- panel_width="" - The width of panel which contains all images
- panel_height="" - The height of panel which contains all images
- sort_type="" - The type of sorting images
- "2": Sort random for showing images
- "1": Sort title for showing images
- "0": Sort created date for showing images
- show_type="" - The type of showing images when click on them in the panel
- "1" - Popup type. For example of popup type with rotate, please to Click Here
- "0" - Slide type. For example of slide type with no rotate, please to Click Here
- show_title="" - For show/not show title of images
- "1" - Allow for showing title
- "0" - Don't allow for showing title